By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Saturday, August 2 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm almost 40 Alabama residents held a rally in North Shelby County along U.S. Hwy 280 to show their opposition to the President’s proposed executive amnesty of up to six million illegal aliens and their support for Senator Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama staunch leadership on the immigration issue.
Organizer Deanna Frankowski from Leeds told the Alabama Political Reporter that Sen. Jeff Sessions has done a fantastic job of building awareness on this issue and said that their group was very grateful to Sen. Sessions for his efforts and thanked the Alabama Congressional Delegation for their role in successfully demanding changes to an immigration bill that the House leadership had introduced.
Bert Collins said that he supports legal immigration as long as they do it the right way and need to be coming in to the country legally. Collins said that the government needs to shut down the border to stop the flow of illegal aliens into the country.
Frankowski said that she appreciates what State Senator Scott Beason (R) from Gardendale tried to do with his HB 56 and for bringing attention to the problem.
Frankowski said that only about 27% of the American people approve of President Obama’s policies on immigration and that this issue has the potential to really hurt Democrats, particularly if President Obama carries out threats to use executive authority he claims he has to authorize an executive amnesty of millions of illegal aliens.
Frankowski said that the “Make them listen” movement is becoming a bigger and could morph into other issues in the future besides immigration. She said that if you have a plumbing problem that is flooding the house the first thing you do is to shut off the faucet so no more water comes into the house while you fix the problem. Frankowski said that immigration reform is the same way. Close the flow of illegal aliens into the country then address immigration reform.
Ms. Frankowski said that there will be more anti-illegal immigration rallies on October 24th and 25th. She said that she is very appreciative of everybody coming out to support the event. She urged that Alabamians stay vigilant and stay informed. Depending on events around the proposed use of Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base as detention camp for illegals intercepted at the border, there could be other rallies even sooner than that.
The rally drew less media coverage than an earlier rally by the same group in July. Local Birmingham radio personalities Leah Brandon and Matt Murphy both dropped in to cover the event as well as the Alabama Political Reporter.
Frankowski said that amnesty was tried in 1986 and it didn’t work. Frankowski warned that a nations without control of its borders is a country that will collapse.