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Stealing the Statehouse

Revelations Lead to Calls for Hubbard’s Resignation

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Monday, a growing list of media professionals and political groups joined Alabama Political Reporter Editor Bill Britt, in calling for Representative Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn) to step down as the Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives.

The leadership of the Rainy Day Patriots called for Speaker Hubbard to resign immediately.

In a written statement the group wrote: “The Rainy Day Patriots of Alabama call upon Speaker of the House, Mike Hubbard to resign his position immediately. Should he choose not to resign, we call upon his colleagues, the members of the Alabama House elected by the people to have the courage to remove him until such time as his innocence or guilt is determined by a jury of his peers.”

Speaker Hubbard was indicted on 23 counts of felony ethics violations in October.

The Rainy Day Patriots wrote, “The U.S. Supreme Court in Taylor v. Kentucky (1978) said that the presumption of the innocence of a criminal defendant is best described as an assumption of innocence that is indulged in the absence of contrary evidence. Which is why we believe that in light of the undeniable evidence recently released by prosecuting attorneys, W. Van Davis and Matt Hart, the presumption of innocence can no longer be indulged as a valid excuse for Hubbard to remain speaker pending his trail.”

Former State Senator John Rice (R) is calling on Alabama citizens to call the State House and ask for Speaker Hubbard’s removal: “334-242-7600 is the Alabama House of Representatives switchboard. Start calling at 8 am and give the person who answers (1) Your Name, spelled out (2) Your town, Spelled out as necessary (3) Ask for Hubbard to resign from the Legislature (4) Request he never enter the State House again.(5) Thank the person and leave your phone number if that person will take it. (6) Call some friends and ask them to do this! (7) Thanks for saving Alabama from Corruption. Please pass this along.”

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The Rainy Day Patriots Ann Eubank and Suzanne “Zan” Green wrote, “It is obvious that Speaker Hubbard has shown a long-term pattern of operating the Alabama House of Representatives for his own benefit.”

Not every conservative activist is ready for formally calling for the removal of Speaker Hubbard.

Deanna Frankowski of the Alabama Constitutional Conservatives states: “The recent information that has come forth regarding Speaker Hubbard is troubling, but like all citizens, he is entitled to his day in court. However, we question how effectively Speaker Hubbard can perform his duties while focusing on his defense, and we urge him to do what is in the best interest of the citizens and Alabama. This matter should not be a distraction to our state legislators who need to focus on the Conservative agenda, which we support.”

On Sunday, the Alabama Media Group called for the Speaker to step down.  On Monday, their veteran political reporter and columnist Chuck Dean called for Speaker Hubbard to resign.  Dean wrote: “One cannot read the stunning series of emails between Hubbard and various powerful and influential individuals – including a former governor of Alabama – and not conclude that Hubbard is not fit to wield the speaker’s gavel.”

Green and Eubank wrote, “It is clear by his own admissions in the emails that have been released that he used or attempted to use, his speakership for the benefit of his private business interests, the Business Council of Alabama and other associates.” “With the legislative session only days away it is imperative that the residents of Alabama have confidence in the leadership of the House of Representatives. It would be impossible for any reasonable person to read the exhibits presented as supporting evidence in the indictments and to conclude that Speaker Hubbard should continue to hold his leadership position. We the people no longer believe that he will do what is in the best interests of the citizens of the State of Alabama  Zan Green, President and Founder, Rainy Day Patriots Ann Eubank, Co-Chair Rainy Day Patriots.”

Speaker Hubbard was not elected as the Speaker of the Alabama House of Representatives by the people of Alabama.  Instead the 105 members of the House got together and a bipartisan group of Representatives decided that he was the one they all trusted to be their leader and the face of legislature.  Many people outside the House now say that they should select someone else to lead while Rep. Hubbard deals with his legal issues.

The Alabama Political Reporter summarized the 45 page prosecution filing.

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This is naturally tilted towards the prosecution as it was their filing and the defense has yet to present its case. Everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty by a jury of their peers.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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