By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The Constitution Party will be holding its National Committee Meeting in Huntsville at the Bevill Center on Friday and Saturday: December 9 and 10, 2016. Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore (R) will be the keynote speaker at the Friday night banquet.
2016 Constitution Party candidate for President, Darrell Castel, will also be speaking at the event.
The Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court has a national following for his strict constructionist views of the law and his passionate stances in defense of traditional marriage and the acknowledgement of God. Chief Justice Moore was recently suspended by the Alabama Court of the Judiciary for failing to instruct probate judges to issue same-sex marriage licenses. Chief Justice Moore argues that he did not have that authority as the state Supreme Court had not ruled yet on that issue. Moore is appealing the decision.
Many political observers expect that Chief Justice Moore will be a Republican candidate for Governor of Alabama in 2018.
Washington State Constitution Party Chairman Robert W. Peck said in a statement: “I encourage everyone who is able, to attend the December 9-10 National Committee meeting both long time national committee members and newcomers to the party who discovered our cause through Darrell Castle’s campaign. It’s time for an honest discussion and evaluation of where we stand and what we’re going to do about it.”
Chairman Peck said, “I know one thing that I am going to do and that is to remain committed to the guiding principles of our nation’s founders and of our party’s founder. Whether I stand with a million members in the Constitution Party, or stand alone without a Constitution Party to find camaraderie in; whether I have a full slate of Constitutionists to vote for on my ballot, or have to write in names that meet the Biblical and Constitutional standard (as I did for a lot of offices in this election); I don’t plan to change my values to suit the changing times or the changing values of the conservative movement.”
While all the write-in votes are still being tabulated, Constitution Party Chairman Frank Fluckiger reports that the Constitution Party’s presidential ticket drew over 200,000 votes, which is over a 59 percent increase from 2012, even though Castle was not on the ballot in all fifty states, including Alabama.
Chairman Fluckiger wrote: “Our immediate goal is to begin securing signatures in those states where we fell short of the needed number of votes to retain ballot access. We are able to start gathering signatures now in many states and we cannot afford to delay moving forward immediately. Alaska, Hawaii and Indiana are already organizing to do just that. Getting on the ballot now in an off year election is by far less expensive than waiting until 2018. Doing so entitles us to run candidates in 2018 that will enable us to maintain ballot access through 2020. Also getting ballot petition signatures is much less expensive now when demand is lower in the off year elections and by acting now we can take advantage of that situation.”
The Alabama Constitution Party said on social media: “Vote totals are in and since the Alabama Legislature passed a law 1 week after the filing deadline stating that basically your write in vote would not be counted, I have wonderful news. Due to their negligence and outward voter fraud cast upon the citizens of Alabama, the Alabama Constitution Party is happy to announce that Castle/Bradley ticket received 21,712 write in votes statewide. This is a great number of people who are disgruntled with the current duopoly and see a true Constitutionist choice in The Alabama Constitution Party!” Those numbers were not included the national totals as of press time. That presently would be more votes than in any other state. Second would be Pennsylvania where Castle and Bradley got 21,409 votes.
There is a $75 cost to attend the national committee meeting in Huntsville.
Click here for information on how to register for the event.