By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
On Wednesday, December 28, 2016, outgoing Secretary of State John Kerry (D) sharply attacked the settlement policies of the nation of Israel and demanded that they surrender territories the United Nations claims they have improperly occupied to the Palestinian State.
US Representative Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said in a statement, “Supporting Israel has always been a bipartisan issue, but the Obama Administration seems intent on changing that. Peace in the region isn’t going to come from the United States or the United Nations telling Israel or Palestine what to do. Any solution must come from those actually involved. This kind of ‘I know best’ speech from the Obama Administration is a fitting summary for how they have governed the last eight years.”
Former State Representative Perry O. Hooper, Jr. (R-Prattville) called upon all Alabama lawmakers to denounce the Obama Administrations actions regarding the recent UN Vote on Israel settlements. Hooper said, “It is shameful the President Obama would do such a horrendous action to such a great ally as Israel in the final weeks of his Presidency.”
Hooper went on to say, “Israel is our greatest ally in the Middle East and to turn our back on them now is unforgivable. I call upon the Alabama Congressional Delegation and Alabama Lawmakers to denounce President Obama and send a message that America and Alabama stands with Israel. Alabamians stand with Israel and I am calling on all Alabama lawmakers to join us and stand up for Israel.”
Hooper said, “If I am appointed to the US Senate I can assure the people of Alabama that I will never turn my back on the great state of Israel and I will work with President Elect Trump to erase the harmful actions of the Obama foreign policy. It’s time America supports her allies not alienate them.”
State Auditor Jim Zeigler (R) said on social media, “John Kerry is full of himself, historically inaccurate, and a danger to American security. Come quickly, January 20th.”
US Representative Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said on Facebook, “This morning I joined MSNBC to discuss the opportunity to strengthen U.S. cybersecurity protections and rebuild relations with Israel under the Trump Administration. I’m excited to work with President-elect Trump in January to restore and renew the strong relationship that America has enjoyed with Israel over the decades.”
State Representative Mack Butler (R-Rainbow City) said, “It’s time for the United States of America to exit the United Nations.”
US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) said in a statement following the remarks given by Secretary John Kerry: “While I support a two-state solution, an independent Palestinian state coexisting with a secure Israel, the one and only Jewish state, I do not believe under the current construct such an outcome is possible. The biggest impediment to a two-state solution is not boundary lines or the right of return, it is the fact that the Palestinians are hopelessly divided and a large percentage of the Palestinian population is represented by Hamas. Until that changes, the peace process is dead and a chance for a two-state solution is a fantasy rather than reality.”
Sen. Graham added, “While I appreciate Secretary Kerry’s enthusiasm, I am getting weary of plans and proposals that are at best fanciful and worse delusional. Given the current state of discord and dysfunction among the Palestinians, a two-state solution is impossible until fundamental change occurs in Palestine.”
Sen. Graham said, “What John Kerry fails to appreciate, is that the Palestinians are in complete disarray when it comes to acting like a state. A two-state solution would require two parties capable of reaching an agreement and executing it. I do not believe that the Palestinians under the current construct could deliver on any agreement reached. Almost forty percent of the Palestinian population lives under the control of Hamas – one of the most vicious terrorist groups on the planet.”
The South Carolina Republican concluded, “I wish Secretary Kerry and President Obama would stop pushing Israel to negotiate against themselves. The only way the peace process can be restarted is for the Palestinians to hold elections and be governed by a single entity that rejects terrorism. That is not the current situation and until that day arrives, pushing Israel to restart the peace process is folly.”
Rep. Mack Butler said on Facebook, “I will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel (referencing Genesis 12:3). I choose blessings.”