By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Thursday, January 5, 2017, the US House of Representatives passed a bipartisan resolution, House Resolution 11, condemning and calling for the United Nations to repeal Security Council Resolution 2334, which declared Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem invalid and that all the land outside of the 1967 borders as belonging to a future Palestinian State.
Since 1972, the United States has vetoed 42 anti-Israel resolutions. Straying from previous US foreign policy, President Barack Obama and US Ambassador to the United States Samantha Power chose to abstain, rather than veto, Security Council Resolution 2334.
Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) said, “The Obama Administration’s failure to veto and support for an anti-Israel resolution by the United Nations is a dangerous violation of the United States’ longstanding, bipartisan friendship with Israel,” said Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville). “The Obama Administration’s permitting this anti-Israel resolution to pass by ‘taking a walk’ is harmful, counterproductive to peace, and emboldens those who wish to destroy Israel and murder Israelis.”
Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) took to the House floor to express his dismay, stating, “There is no greater friend to the United States than Israel. Israel is a beacon of hope in a very dangerous part of the world. They are an important economic and military partner of the United States, and they play a critical role when it comes to fighting radical Islamic terrorism.
“The United States turned our back and looked the other way as the UN passed a flawed resolution attacking Israel. This represents a dangerous break in a long-standing and bipartisan policy to protect our sole democratic ally in the region from one-sided resolutions at the UN… This resolution does absolutely nothing to make peace more likely in the region. Instead, it muddies the water and only further complicates what is already a very complex issue. No solution to the ongoing problems with Israel and the Palestinian Authority is going to come from an international body, like the United Nations, telling them what to do. Any real solution must come through negotiations between the involved parties.”
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) also gave a floor speech in favor of bipartisan legislation, condemning the UN resolution.
“Peace is hard work,” Ryan said. “Peace will not come through statements and resolutions at the United Nations—if it were that easy, it would have been accomplished by now. Ultimately, it is the Israelis and the Palestinians who must live side by side. That was President Obama in 2011—and he was right.
“I am still stunned by what happened last month. This government—our government—abandoned our ally Israel when she needed us the most. And do not be fooled. This UN Security Council resolution was not about settlements, and it certainly was not about peace. It was about one thing and one thing only: Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish, democratic state.
Ryan went on to state, “It’s time to repair the damage done by this misguided hit job at the UN. It’s time to rebuild our partnership with Israel and reaffirm our commitment to her security. And it’s time to show all of our allies that, regardless of the shameful events of last month, the United States remains a force for good. I ask the whole House to support this resolution on behalf of the American people.”
House Resolution 11 passed 342 to 80.