By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, May 18, 2017, Court of Criminal Appeals candidate Chris McCool (R) was in St. Clair County making his appeal to the Republican Party for their support in his bid to become an appeals judge.
St. Clair County District Attorney Richard Minor (R) introduced McCool. Minor said that McCool is the District 24 District Attorney (DA) serving Fayette, Pickens, and Lamar Counties. “Chris is a man of God” and a preacher with his own Church. He has a wonderful family and he also has cattle and chickens. “He is the one to vote for.”
DA McCool said, “Richard and I go way back. There are 42 DAs in Alabama. We used to be the young guys now we are the old guys.” There will be an Open seat on the Court of Criminal Appeals. Judge Joyner is running for Supreme Court McCool said, “This is something that I have wanted to do for years. I have worked as a DA for 16 years and I have been a prosecutor for 22 years. One of my primary qualifications is experience. You don’t need on the job training. We have some fine judges there. I have trialed more than 50 cases everything from hunting from a public road (I lost that one) to capital murder. My docket is 200 percent greater than when I started prosecuting. We try to do justice in every case. It would be good to have somebody on the criminal side who understands criminal law instead of a politician in a robe.”
McCool said that he is conservative and believes that judges should not make law, they should take the law and apply it to the facts.
DA McCool said he is running because he grew up in Alabama, in Gordo. “I love Alabama. I want Alabama to be the best that it can be. I have a passion to make Alabama the best that it can be. I want to continue to serve, and I would appreciate your support in 2018.”
St. Clair County Republican Party Chairman Lance Bell (R) said that the bass tournament was a great success this year. 78 boats were in the tournament. Bell praised Ren Wheeler and Freddie Turrentine for all the work they did organizing this year’s tournament.
A number of high school seniors who received St. Clair County Republican Party scholarships from the bass tournament proceeds were on hand in the meeting to thank the St. Clair County GOP.