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Alabama Attorney General’s wife dead

Attorney General Steve Marshall speaks on a proposed rewrite of the state ethics laws. (Chip Brownlee/APR)

News of Attorney General Steve Marshall’s wife, Bridgette Gentry Marshall’s, death began to be reported on Twitter early Sunday morning. Elected officials and ranking Republicans are confirming the news. A close friend of the Marshalls who asked not to be identified confirmed her death was either accidental death or suicide. According to the friend, personal issues had been weighing on Mrs. Marshall in recent months. He said the issues were personal and not related to the campaign.

Marshall County Sheriff’s Office and Albertville Police Department would not confirm or deny her death.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated as more information becomes available. 

Bill Britt is editor-in-chief at the Alabama Political Reporter and host of The Voice of Alabama Politics. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.

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