What do U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore have in common? They both are victims of the new ambush strategic initiative of the Washington Post. What does the Washington Post and Amazon.com have in common? Jeff Bezos owns them both! What do Jeff Bezos and George Soros have in common? Both men are billionaires, who use their fortunes funding social engineering, promoting socialism, and supporting liberal causes and candidates. Finally, what do the media elite, Bezos, Soros, liberal democrats, and social media magnates have in common? For some reason they HATE economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatives and will attempt to destroy them at all cost. The centerpiece of this article is the Kavanaugh – Moore connection; let’s raise the curtain and look backstage.
There is a new eleventh hour, well-strategically planned, perfectly time lined out, well-executed, mostly untraceable, and unmerited assault being unleased on economic, social, moral, and constitutional conservatives like Kavanaugh and Moore. They bushwhacked Kavanagh before his Senate Judiciary committee vote, and they hit Moore when he was about to grab the coveted U.S. Senate seat for Alabama.
Sun Tzu was a Chinese general, military strategist, writer, and philosopher from ancient China, who authored a thirteen-chapter military strategic outline entitled, “The Art Of War.” It is commonly known that consulting firms who generally represent liberal candidates craftily apply Sun Tzu war tactics with a few over arching themes: win at all cost, attack them at their strengths, and perception, not truth, is the origin. Kavanaugh and Moore were both attacked at their strengths in the eleventh hour, publicly maligned, and unfortunately, stained as guilty until proven innocent.
Moore earned a stellar reputation in life: recognized as valedictorian in high school, appointed by Republican Congressman Jim Martin to attend West Point Military Academy, served with distinction as an Army Officer in Vietnam, earned a law degree from the University of Alabama Law School, appointed to a judicial circuit bench by Republican Governor Guy Hunt, re-elected as circuit judge, and then successfully ran for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Even though the Ten Commandments are the cornerstone of western civilized law and the moral foundation of the U.S. Constitution, Moore was sued in 1992 by the ACLU in Etowah County for posting a wood burned carving plaque of the Ten Commandments on the courtroom wall. Remember, the ACLU elevated Moore into the national spotlight; not of his own doings. Keep in mind the U.S. Supreme Court has a stone tablet over their courtroom backdrop in D.C. of the Ten Commandments and another couple of stone carvings of Moses holding the tablets depicting the Ten Commandments are the moral foundation of the U.S. Constitution. Moore is a dedicated and devoted Southern Baptist Christian and often quotes scripture and may refer to God several times in his speeches. Some in our state, many who are jealous of his notoriety, developed the perception that this nation media attention was self-serving. Some, even church going folks, get nervous and antsy when a speech is given referencing God more than two times. Others may not like his style and have formed an unmerited negative opinion. I have known Moore for about twenty nine years, and I can tell you his faith and tenacity is an authentic passion; and he sincerely desires to restore constitutional governing back to all three branches of government at both the state and federal level.
After Senator Jeff Sessions was appointed as U.S. Attorney General by President Trump, Governor Bentley appointed former Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange as the U.S. Senator from Alabama. Bentley later resigned and Governor Kay Ivey called for a special election for this seat. Moore sailed through the primary and Republicans gave him an overwhelming 54.6% of the run off vote, even after approximately thirty million dollars had been spend against him by the Senate Majority Fund and others. After the run off, Jeff Bezos and the Washington Post unleashed a timely and horrifically fabricated dossier given to them by an unnamed source alleging Moore assaulted a teenage girl. There were no witnesses, no corroboration, and all of the claims were proven not true. Then the strategic timeline began to unpack with the notorious Gloria Allred marching out another supposed victim. Here again, there were no witnesses, no corroboration, and nothing about the claims were proven true. After the Allred drama show, we all lost count of the mounting string of the false accusations. Then, the Doug Jones liberal coalition including George Soros, Super Pac Hwy 31, and others spent another twenty million dollars tearing the hide off a good man. Even high ranking Republicans at the state and national level turned their back on Moore, but many later stood true with Kavanagh. Even with a tsunami of pressure on Governor Kay Ivey to withdraw her support, she dug in and fought like a warrior keeping her support of Moore; she’s my kind of girl.
Brett Kavanagh had also earned an unblemished stellar record in his life accomplishments. His education includes a B.A. Yale University (cum laude) and J.D at Yale Law School. His public career includes clerking in the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. He also worked in the Solicitor General’s office, Office of Independent Counsel, Assistant to President Bush, and served on the U.S. Court of Civil Appeals. In his public service positons, Kavanagh had six thorough FBI background checks and cleared them all. He was squeaky clean, and then the Jerry Springer style circus of rabid liberals, who opposed his nomination, public hearings, and confirmation of Justice Kavanagh, was Chief Justice Roy Moore 2.0. The rest is history. Kavanagh is on the high court, but the modern day “Art Of War” assault against economic, social, moral, and constitutional conservatives has only just begun, unless this clear and present danger to the national security of our elections is preserved.
Kavanagh and Moore may have the same DNA, but differing styles; both are economic, social, moral, and constitutional conservatives, each have a deeply held faith, and come from GOP camps. I am very happy at this moment of how Senator Mitch McConnell faced the violet tsunami getting Kavanagh confirmed, but I am very disappointed that he and Senator Shelby shunned and turned their backs on Moore. That is a debate down range. The most important take away here is we need to return in this country to the long served notion that we are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Liberal media outlets like The Washington Post and others truly HATE conservatives, and there is no limbo bar too low to slither under to ruin the character of good people. In the heat of the battle, please listen to those who have known personally the assaulted conservative for years and hear what they say, rather than believing CNN and those embracing the Maxine Waters doctrine. Unless we send some folks to jail for perjury, fraud, malicious slander, and the like, we can expect our finest to become Kavanagh – Moore 3.0. Anyone can be next.