Later this week, Gov. Kay Ivey is expected to announce Nathan Lindsay as director of appointments, according to sources close to the governor’s office. Lindsay will be replacing Catherine Gayle Thrash, who has accepted a position at the Department of Revenue as their government relations representative.
Lindsay served eight years at the Business Council, where he most recently held the position of vice president for political affairs and regional operations as well as executive director of ProgressPAC, the organization’s campaign funding arm.
As head of the appointments, Lindsay will oversee Ivey’s selection of cabinet officers, members of boards and commissions and a variety of other individual appointments. He will also identify candidates for vacant positions and is charged with coordinating background checks and keeping track of expiring positions.
Earlier this month, Ivey announced changes in her communications office, appointing Leah Garner as the communications director. Garner was formerly director of governmental affairs and advocacy at BCA.