The Alabama Nursing Home Association said Thursday that two cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, have been confirmed in Alabama nursing homes, raising the fear that the virus is now spreading among some of Alabama’s most vulnerable.
The cases are in Jefferson County at two separate nursing homes, APR confirmed.
One of the cases is a resident of one of the nursing homes and the other is an employee, the association said in a statement.
“Both are receiving the medical care they need and are isolated from others,” the association’s president and CEO said in a statement. “We hope both will make a full recovery.”
These two cases show the process of screening staff and residents is working, the association said.
“Staff members at both nursing homes followed the CDC guidelines for screening symptoms of COVID-19 and took immediate action,” the statement read. “They implemented protective protocols, notified residents, families and staff members and contacted public health officials.”
The Alabama Nursing Home Association said earlier this week that visitations at nursing home facilities will be restricted at Alabama nursing homes during the COVID-19 outbreak.
We “are following guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and not allowing visitors except for medical necessity and end-of-life situations,” the association said. “Those visitors must pass the screening protocol. Employees are screened before they begin their shift. In addition, staff are screening residents daily and closely monitoring their health.”
“Protecting the health and well-being of our residents and employees remains our top priority,” they said. “We continue to be on high alert and will take every precautionary step possible. On behalf of our association, I thank nursing home employees across Alabama who are going above and beyond the call of duty to provide compassionate care to their residents.”