During this election season, passions have run high. They have not cooled substantially since all major news outlets — including Fox News — projected that former Vice President Joe Biden would be the next president of the United States.
Alabama Political Reporter declared Biden the winner of the presidential election based on trusted media projections, which is traditional.
President Donald Trump is currently engaged in bringing numerous legal challenges to the election process across many states, as is his right. Courts will decide if there is merit to his suits and if so, appropriate remedies will follow.
Before the election, and since Election Day, there have been scores of unfounded allegations of voter fraud without hard evidence. Even now, public officials here in Alabama claim voter irregularities in other states without offering proof.
APR will not publish allegations citing voter fraud, irregularities or other statements that might undermine the election’s integrity unless accompanied by concrete facts. Fact-based reporting is the guiding principle at APR.
Also highly valued is a balanced free flow of information to keep our readers informed of politics in the state.
Generally speaking, APR concentrates on state and local politics, only veering into national matters when these issues directly affect Alabama citizens.
The execution of a free and fair election is the bedrock of a democratic republic, and counting every properly cast ballot is paramount to a representative government of the people.
Most states adjusted voting procedures to address the health risks posed by the COVID-19.
Alabama’s Secretary of State John Merrill utilized Title 17-11-3 of the code of Alabama to allow any registered voter concerned about casting a ballot during the COVID-19 outbreak to do so with an absentee ballot.
Citizens in Alabama and around the country cast a record amount of votes, of which many were absentee ballots.
Ballots are still being counted in many parts of the country. The individual states will certify them before the Electoral College casts its vote for president and vice president.
Until the process is fully completed, APR will fact-check and call attention to false and misleading statements that cast doubt on the election results.