The Alabama Grocers Association, the leading voice of the grocery industry in the state of Alabama, has officially endorsed state Rep. Mike Jones for Alabama Senate District 31. Founded in 1990, AGA is dedicated to advocating for a business climate that creates, protects, and promotes the grocery industry in Alabama.
“Representative Jones understands the importance of the grocery industry to economic development in the state of Alabama,” said Ellie Taylor, AGA president. “In his role in the Alabama House, Jones worked with the grocery community to develop pro-business legislation that enabled our members to effectively serve their customers and communities throughout the state.”
Jones graciously accepted the endorsement: “I am honored to have the endorsement of the AGA which represents more than 70,000 Alabamians who are employed in the retail grocery sector. These individuals are the very definition of essential and I appreciate their hard work to keep groceries on our shelves and in our homes.”
The food retail industry in Alabama provides over 70,000 jobs with over $2.2 billion in annual wages paid. Grocers pay over $1.2 billion in state taxes and have a total economic impact on the state’s economy of over $12 billion.