By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Friday, July 24, Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Huntsville) released a statement calling the practice of harvesting organs and tissue from aborted children “grotesque” and said that he is supportive of defunding Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. This is in response to the release of another undercover video by 26 year old David Daleiden’s group, showing yet another high ranking Planned Parenthood doctor negotiating the sale of fetus organs and body parts.
US Representative Brooks said, “I’m deeply disturbed by undercover footage of Planned Parenthood senior executives cavalierly describing their grotesque practice of harvesting and selling fetal tissue and organs from aborted children. Planned Parenthood has made a business out of destroying innocent human lives – all while receiving roughly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding.”
Rep. Brooks said, “The House is taking action and I joined more than 100 colleagues in cosponsoring Rep. Diane Black’s bill, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, to immediately halt all sources of federal funding to Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. It’s urgent the House passes this legislation to ensure they do not receive another dime of taxpayer funds.”
Brooks was not alone in his disdain for Planned Parenthood and its practices.
Congressman Bradley Byrne (R-Montrose) said in a column on Monday, “The loss of any human life is a tragedy. Even worse, the casual nature in which the Planned Parenthood officials talk about taking a human life is heartbreaking and appalling. As a parent, but more importantly as an American, these videos make my blood boil.”
Rep. Byrne wrote, “Since 2012, Planned Parenthood has banked over $200 million in federal funding. With that in mind, I co-sponsored important legislation designed to eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood. I am a proud co-sponsor of HR3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015. This bill would place a moratorium on all sources of federal funding to Planned Parenthood, including federal grants.”
Congressman Robert Aderholt (R-Haleyville) said, “Tuesday I teamed up with my colleague Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) to defund Planned Parenthood of all federal funds. The reprehensible actions caught on video tape exposes Planned Parenthood for who they really are and what they really do.”
Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) wrote, “In case you missed it: Rarely are Americans confronted with the gruesome realities of the abortion industry. I believe this is a moment when we, as a people, must ask ourselves who we really are. Are we going to tolerate this inhumanity and look the other way while babies’ lungs, hearts and livers are valued more than their very lives? Or will we finally stand up as a society and reject this casual devaluing of human life?”
Roby wrote in the Washington Examiner, “Dr. Mary Gatter, president of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director’s Council, is shown negotiating prices for ’tissue’ and even joking about how they needed to settle soon on prices by saying, ‘I want a Lamborghini.’ And, like Nucatola, she described “a less crunchy technique” of killing the baby while preserving organs, ‘to get more whole specimens.’ Once again, the candid words of a top Planned Parenthood official believe the public spin from its public relations team. These doctors definitely sound like those who know there’s a competitive black market at play and are willing to engage in illegal activity to tap into it.”
Last week, all of the Republican members of the Alabama House delegation have co-sponsored legislation to defund Planned Parenthood, which receives much of its money through federal tax dollars in the form of grants. President Barack H. Obama has ordered an investigation of the group that conducted the undercover investigations of Planned Parenthood, a powerful Democratic Party political ally.
Since the controversial US Supreme Court decision, Roe versus Wade in 1973, striking down state laws outlawing abortions an estimated 57.5 million American babies have been legally aborted in this country.