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Trump Storms Mobile


By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

donald-trumpOn Friday, August 21, an estimated 30,000 people came on short notice to hear the Republican front runner, Donald Trump, at a campaign pep rally at Ladd-Peoples stadium in Mobile.

Over 20 Presidential Candidates are spread out all over the country shaking hands, making speeches, explaining why they are not ordinary politicians and asking for people’s votes.  This is not news.  That is the humdrum norm of what ordinary Presidential candidates do as they campaign from one event to the next for our nation’s highest office.  On Friday the ordinary morphed into something entirely different when enthusiasm for the Trump candidacy turned a routine Friday campaign meet and greet event into a national showcase on the New York City billionaire’s triumphal arrival in Alabama.

The crowd listened to bands as they awaited Donald Trump’s anticipated arrival.  The crowds cheered and took photos as the billionaire flew over the city in his corporate Boeing 757 jet airliner.

Alabama State Representatives Ed Henry (R-Hartselle), Tim Wadsworth (R-Winston County), Jim Carns (R-Vestavia), and Barry Moore (R-Enterprise) went on stage to endorse Trump for President of the United States. Trump went on stage and said, “Wow, wow, wow….unbelievable, now I know how the great Billy Graham felt.  We love Billy Graham.”

Mr. Trump said, “We have a stock market not doing so well we have a country not doing so well. We have politicians that don’t have a clue.  What is happening to this country is disgraceful.”

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Trump quickly went to the topic of illegal immigration and referenced Catherine Steinle’s murder in San Francisco and then said that a, “66 year old woman in California a veteran was raped tortured and sodomized by an illegal alien: we have to do something about it.”

The popular star of the “Apprentice” said, “If it rains I will take off my hat and prove once and for all that it is mine…The people we have here tonight are the people that built this country.”

Trump promised that if elected, “We are going to build a wall (on the southern border).”  Trump said that his GOP rivals all supported a wall on the border 7 to 10 years ago, but no wall was ever built and suggested that that was probably because some lobbyist did not want it built.

The outspoken billion said that the lobbyists all like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush.  Hillary has raised $60 million and Jeb Bush has raised $114 million.  Trump said, “Bush is totally for common core,” and that, “Hillary, I am not sure she is making it to the gate. They destroyed General Petraeus for less and with her they have done nothing.”

Trumped stated that 300,000 babies a year are born to illegal aliens in this country, “That we have to take care of that you have to take care of.  Very few places give citizenship to the children of people illegal aliens. We are just about the only place stupid enough to do it.”

US Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) ran out on stage in one of the Trump campaign’s signature, “Make America Great Again” hats.  Sen. Sessions said, “Donald, welcome to my home town: Mobile Alabama. The American people want somebody who stands up for them. I am really impressed with your plan (on immigration reform).  Welcome and God bless.”

Trump told the crowd: “We are leading in every poll.  We are leading in just about every state, including Alabama.  We are leading in Florida.  In Florida we have a Governor and a sitting Senator and I am killing them.  They are not doing a very good job.  Nationally we are way ahead of everybody else.  I would like to have the election tomorrow I don’t want to wait. I know the game I understand the game.  I was totally establishment when I was handing them millions of dollars.  I was the fair haired boy when I was giving them money.”

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Trump claimed that a lobbyist last week tried to give him $5 million; but said he told the lobbyist I don’t want to take it because I don’t want you come back in two years and ask for something in return, because “I am not doing it unless it makes America great.”

Trump said that his two favorite books are the Bible and his The Art of the Deal, “which obviously Obama and Kerry did not read.”

Trump suggested that countries like South Korea and Saudi Arabia pay the US for defending them.  He lamented that there are no TV manufacturing jobs in the USA anymore.  Trump said that he hates to wear ties anymore because they are all made in China.

North Korea is causing trouble. “We are sending our ships.”  28,000 U.S. troops are on the border and we “lose a fortune with them (South Korea).”

Trump attacked Obama for the Sergeant Bergdahl trade: “They get five people they wanted for years, we get one traitor, how stupid are we?”

Trump said, “The reason I have this incredible enthusiasm is that I do know what I am doing.”

Trump complained that he lost his deals with Macys and Univision because they are “gutless. I sued them both. They wanted to be so politically correct. I hate gutless people.”

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Trump complained that the media often under reports his net worth which is, “phenomenal” “Over $10 billion” and said that his income is over $400 million a year.  “My son is here, Erick, he can live on that.” The reason I want to run is I know how to do things.  Building a great business.  Trump said that he is already building a building at an old post office site in Washington D.C.  I got it from the Obama administration.  That project, “is now under budget and ahead of schedule.”

Trump said that his GOP opponents, “They can’t talk unless they get with a pollster.”  He vowed to take care of veterans.  “These senators and congressmen they have not really done anything for our veterans.” “In Alabama U.S. Steel lost jobs because China was dumping so much steel.”

The New York City businessman vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare.  “Do you know who the biggest beneficiaries of Obamacare are?  The insurance companies.”

Trump attacked Jeb Bush for saying: “We are not going to fund women’s health issues.”  Trump said that he would fund women’s health issues.

Trump said, “One of the problems we have is a tremendous lack of spirit.”  “I actually thought he (Barack Obama) would be a great cheerleader he has really turned into a great divider.”

Trump warned of the violence in Ferguson, in Baltimore, in St. Louis and said, “We are sitting on powder kegs.”

Trump promised that if elected President, “I am going to be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”  “I will makes it (America) bigger and stronger and more powerful than it has ever been.  You are going to love it and you are going to love your President.”

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Alabama Republican Assembly President Jennifer L Montrose who was at the Mobile event said, “I have been talking to people about the National Federation Republican Assembly Presidential Preference Endorsing Convention in Nashville TN August 28th – 30th.  Trump will be speaking on Saturday at the convention.”  The Alabama Republican Assembly is holding their 3rd annual Alabama Straw Poll on October 17th and have extended invitations to Trump and all the other Republican presidential candidates to come speak.


Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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