By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Thursday, incumbent state Rep. Danny Crawford, R-Athens, qualified to run for a full term in the Alabama House of Representatives.
“I’m excited to officially kick-off my campaign,” Crawford said. “It’s been an honor to represent the residents of House District 5 these last two years, but there’s more work to be done. I’m looking forward to introducing bills that will make a difference in the lives of people — both in my region and around the state.”
Crawford was elected to the legislature in a special election in 2016 to fill the seat of the late Rep. Dan Williams, who lost his battle with leukemia.
He’s had an extensive career in public service. For 33 years, Crawford worked for the Farm Service Agency — first as executive director for Limestone County beginning in 1979, before being appointed as state director of the agency by President George W. Bush.
Crawford said, “During my time in the legislature, I have pushed legislation that added new teachers and protected teacher retirement and benefits. I have co-sponsored pro-life legislation to protect life of the unborn and support of all life at all ages. I have also worked to provided funding for new forensic auditing to target waste and abuse in state agency operations.”
Crawford grew up in the Belle Mina community on the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station farm. He received both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Auburn University.
Crawford currently works as an independent crop insurance contractor.
Crawford has been active in the Limestone County community, serving as a past member of the Civitan, Kiwanis and Rotary clubs. He is a member of the National Rifle Association.
Crawford is a member of the House Agriculture and Forestry Committee and chairs the Limestone County Legislation Committee. He also serves on the County and Municipal Government, Health, and Urban and Rural Development Committees.
Crawford and his wife, Mary Kay, have one son. They attend Lindsay Lane Baptist Church.
In addition to Athens, District 5 covers the communities of Elkmont, Tanner and Ardmore in Limestone County.
The major party primaries will be held on June 5, 2018.