Governor Kay Ivey in her proclamation setting a special session for the Legislature to take up redistricting, also included the consideration of appropriating $80 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act funds for state hospitals and nursing homes.
Ivey’s full statement on the inclusion of the federal fund allocations:
“While many speculated Alabama would lose congressional representation and federal funding in the last census, in typical Alabama-fashion, we proved the naysayers wrong. Thanks to our successful count, we have secured our fair share of dollars in federal funding and our voice in Washington, which is needed now more than ever. As the Legislature is required to do following the census, they will focus on redistricting during this special session set to begin Thursday. Additionally, I have included an appropriation of $80 million in ARPA funding for eligible reimbursements for Alabama hospitals and nursing homes until the Legislature can more holistically address ARPA funding in the upcoming Regular Session in January. These folks are on the frontlines for us, and we must ensure their needs are met so they can continue caring for our families and friends. I know the men and women of the Alabama Legislature will have a productive special session, and I thank them for their continued hard work.”
The Alabama Hospital Association has been calling for the state to disburse those federal funds to help hospitals. hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, but told APR in September that at least $200 million is needed to help get through the current COVID-19 crisis and prepare for another.
The special session is to begin Thursday.