Education Alabama exploring expanding Pre-K program to home-based settings Alabama is one of only four states to consider offering its First Class Pre-K program in Family Care Centers. Jacob HolmesDecember 23, 2024
Legislature Ivey signs “first grade readiness” bill into law Students entering first grade without completing kindergarten will take the assessment to determine whether they need educational intervention. Jacob HolmesMay 20, 2024
Education Alabama’s First Class Pre-K leads the nation in quality for 18th year Alabama is one of only five states in the country to meet 10 of 10 research-based quality standard benchmarks. StaffApril 19, 2024
Education Governor: Alabama First Class Pre-K Program to expand The department will initially add 69 classrooms in 30 counties this fall, providing seats for more than 1,200 children. StaffJune 21, 2023
Legislature House passes “first grade readiness” bill Under the law, students would either need to complete kindergarten or pass an assessment before first grade. Jacob HolmesApril 19, 2023
Legislature Child care providers, parents call for more Pre-K, child care funds Advocates on Monday called on the Legislature to approve a combined $42 million increase in state investments. StaffApril 11, 2023
Education Birmingham Talks receives national investment Birmingham Talks focuses on improving kindergarten readiness by increasing interactive conversation between children and their caregivers. StaffFebruary 15, 2023
Legislature Alabama House approves two education bills One bill addresses reading proficiency in public schools and the other would require a child complete kindergarten or demonstrate readiness to attend first grade. Eddie BurkhalterFebruary 24, 2022
Education New data shows children using Waterford Upstart are exceeding mastery of subjects Waterford Upstart is an in-home, kindergarten readiness program that provides personalized, online instruction 15 minutes a day. StaffJanuary 6, 2022
Education Governor announces new first class Pre-K classrooms in first round of funding New classrooms will expand access to the state-funded, voluntary pre-kindergarten program to 24,714 children. StaffMay 19, 2021