Thursday, the Women for Kavanaugh bus tour arrived in Hoover for a rally at Hoover Tactical Firearms. The Women for Kavanaugh campaign is being run by Concerned Women for America, the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
CWA’s Executive Field Director Janae Stracke said that they were devastated when Justice Antonin Scalia passed away. The election was still nine months away. CWA had a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. They promised to delay hearings on President Barack H. Obama’s choice for the court. Meanwhile GOP presidential candidate Donald J Trump (R) released a list of justices he would appoint if he became President and he got to pick the next Supreme Court Justices. First President Trump has nominated Neil Gorsuch to the court and now he has nominated Brett Kavanaugh.
Stracke said that the left was already denouncing the pick even before they knew who Donald Trump picked. Stracke said that Kavanaugh was an excellent jurist and family man.
Penny Young Nance is the CEO and President of Concerned Women for America (CWA).
Nance said that Kavanaugh is an excellent pick and that CWA wants judges who will rule based on the Constitution and not on their own personal opinions of what they feel the law should be.
State Representative Jim Carns, R-Vestavia, said that the people of Alabama overwhelmingly support Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court and that Senator Doug Jones, D-Alabama, has a duty to represent the people’s wishes and confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Carns, who co-chaired Trump’s campaign in Alabama, credited the president for the low unemployment, the robust stock market, the low unemployment, and cutting regulations. Carns said that he was one of the first in Alabama to get on the Trump train because he knew only Trump could turn things around.
President of the Mid-Alabama Republican Club former state Representative Paul DeMarco, R-Huntsville, praised the Concerned Women of America for their efforts of behalf of Kavanaugh and thanked the nearly one hundred conservative activists who attended the event during their lunch hour.
Huntsville economic developer Nicole Jones told the Alabama Political Reporter, “Yesterday the Women for Kavanaugh Bus Tour stopped in Hoover. It was an honor to meet Penny Nance and the women who travel around the country emphasizing the need for conservative judges on the bench. Thank you to all who organized and participated in the event.”
State Representative April Weaver, R-Shelby County, said on social media, “Great to catch up with my former colleague Paul John DeMarco, State Representative Matt Fridy, Keep Mike Anderton for District Attorney, Judy Maddox Carns, State Representative Jim Carns, Concerned Women For America LAC’s Penny Young Nance, Jefferson County Republican Party Chairwoman Sallie Bryant, Shelby County Republican Party (Alabama) Chairwoman Joan Reynolds, and Alabama Federation of Republican Women President Vicki Bailey.”
Concerned Women for America has a rich history of over 35 years of helping their members across the country bring Biblical principles into all levels of public policy. CWA says that there is a cultural battle raging across this country and CWA is on the frontline protecting those values through prayer and action.
Sen. Grassley has scheduled the confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh to being on September 4.
Sen. Doug Jones has asked for the hearings to be delayed to give Democrats more time to dig through the records further.
The death of Senator John McCain means that there will be another Republican in the Senate. McCain had been in such poor health that it was unlikely he would have been able to vote. Now there will likely be 51 Republican Senators voting and a lot of pressure on red state Democrats like Jones to support the confirmation of Kavanaugh. Neil Gorsuch was confirmed with support from Democratic Senators Manchin, Heitkamp, and Donnelly. Jones had not yet been elected then.