Many cities across Alabama are holding municipal elections today.
Elections in Alabama’s towns and cities for mayor and city council are non-partisan, so there are no party primaries and no party declarations. There will be just one ballot and all registered voters in the municipality may participate.
Some cities have council districts where voters may only vote for the candidates running in their council district. Other municipalities allow all voters in the city or town to vote in all the council districts. The candidate with 50 percent of the votes cast plus one wins no matter how large the field of candidates.
Where necessary there will be runoff elections on Oct. 5.
Polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.
Remember to bring a valid photo ID and to vote at the polling place which you are assigned. That may vary from the polling place you are assigned in a party primary or general election as some cities have just one central polling place for the whole town.
To participate, you must be a registered voter in the municipality in which you reside. If you have moved to a new town and have not updated your voter registration, you will not be on the voter list for that town. You cannot register to vote or change registration on the day of the election.
There is still a COVID-19 risk, so remember to wear a mask or cloth face covering and practice social distancing at the polling place to avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus. There is no curbside voting in Alabama, so unless you have already voted by absentee ballot, the only way to participate in today’s election is in-person voting.
The General Election for president of the United States, Senate, Congress, Public Service Commission president, judicial races, as well as county local races including county commission, probate judge, sheriff, revenue commissioner and more will be on Nov. 3.