Featured Opinion Opinion | Character, not chaos: The GOP’s path back to true conservative values In today’s GOP, moral character is no longer central; it’s sacrificed when convenient and valued only if it serves power. Bill BrittOctober 29, 2024
Opinion Opinion | Ballot harvesting leads list of Alabama Senate’s conservative priorities No greater priority exists than ensuring the integrity of our elections. Greg ReedFebruary 2, 2024
Local news Dale County Commission delays budget vote after Ozark mayor calls to defund library Commission Chairman Steve McKinnon said he does not anticipate a situation in which the library is not funded. Jacob HolmesAugust 30, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | There’s conservative and then there’s Conservative One is consistent, principled and solution-oriented. The other seems hell-bent on picking fights. David PersonDecember 15, 2022
Legislature Analysis | Alabama Legislature considered most conservative in U.S. The study examined over 265,000 individual votes cast by 7,400 state policymakers in 50 state legislatures. John H. GlennDecember 8, 2022
Opinion Opinion | Do campaign ads pander? Negative ads work. If they didn’t work they would not use them. Steve FlowersJune 21, 2022
Local news Tallassee mayor: resigning is “best for the city” Mayor Johnny Hammock was two years into his second four-year term. Josh MoonJune 3, 2022
Opinion Opinion | The conservative foundation is laid and Alabama is ready to build back better Innovation has been an overarching theme of this quadrennium for the legislature. Greg ReedMay 23, 2022
Opinion Opinion | Alabama is the nation’s conservative leader, but the best is yet to come None of these accomplishments occurred because of simple luck, coincidence, or the stars happened to align in a precise path. Will AinsworthMay 19, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Science has revealed complex truths about gender identity How do Republicans justify interfering with the decision of parents while claiming to be pro-family? David PersonApril 28, 2022