Featured Opinion Opinion | Stop trying to steal our kids’ learning Books provide us with an opportunity to grow and learn. Some people are determined to steal that from our kids. Josh MoonSeptember 4, 2023
Opinion Opinion | We’re exceptional at killing kids with guns Gun violence recently surpassed vehicle crashes as the No.1 killer of children aged 1 through 17. Joey KennedyJanuary 17, 2023
Health CDC approves COVID boosters for kids 12-17 About 5 million children are now eligible for boosters, but in Alabama, the percentage of vaccinated school-aged children remains very low. Eddie BurkhalterJanuary 6, 2022
Health FDA authorizes Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for use with kids 5 to 11 A CDC advisory committee is to debate the vaccine for those younger children on Tuesday. The CDC director will have final say. Eddie BurkhalterOctober 29, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | A real victory for transgender kids "Even the conservative U.S. Supreme Court has more respect for transgender kids than some in the Alabama Legislature." Joey KennedyJuly 2, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | The blackest Black Friday ever "The coming weeks are going to be difficult, no doubt about that." Joey KennedyNovember 27, 2020
Education Opinion | Parents are being asked to gamble their family’s safety over reopening schools. Don’t. The only reason we’re in this boat is because weak politicians, bowing to the ignorance of selfish people over the expertise and knowledge of... Josh MoonJuly 30, 2020
Opinion Opinion | “I Just Feel So Unnecessary” Once again I show my age because the headline quote was a favorite of the country musician-comic known as Stringbean. Years ago he was... Larry LeeJune 13, 2019
Education Opinion | More choice for education Fellow Alabamians, we must begin expanding private schools and charter schools. We should begin providing more school choice and option vouchers to kids in... Glenn HenryApril 5, 2019
Featured Opinion As Alabamians send other states’ kids to college, Ivey and ALGOP have no interest in education lottery The lines snaked out of the gas station doors and around the building in some spots. At others, there was just a steady flow... Josh MoonOctober 24, 2018