Education Right-wing media prompts Orange Beach schools to review library books At least three of the books appear to have been challenged for LGBTQ themes or messages. Jacob HolmesDecember 18, 2023
Opinion Opinion | Do campaign ads pander? Negative ads work. If they didn’t work they would not use them. Steve FlowersJune 21, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | 2022 Senate race will be most expensive in state history It will be an interesting and expensive three-month show. It will be fun to watch. Steve FlowersFebruary 23, 2022
Featured Opinion Opinion | Ivey sends the wrong message at the wrong time on in-person learning "Ivey came with a message to get back in there and try harder — as if more trying is what our schools and teachers... Josh MoonDecember 2, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | Gov. Kay Ivey didn’t cave Ivey stood her ground on Wednesday, refusing to cave to those who want to end the mask order. Bill BrittOctober 1, 2020
Featured Opinion Opinion | The stupidity is still surprising Congratulations, Guy V. Martin, you’ve managed to surprise me. That’s not easy to do. At least, not where it concerns someone writing dumb things... Josh MoonOctober 2, 2018
News Bentley Receives Failing Grade On Fiscal Conservatism From CATO Institute By Chip Brownlee Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—-The Governor’s performance as a fiscal conservative has been graded, and he is taking home a report card... Chip BrownleeOctober 6, 2016