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Search results for "Week one"


The designation is part of a broader national announcement that establishes 30 new national recreation trails in 25 states, adding more than 1,275 miles...


2nd Congressional District candidate Barry Moore praised Trump's debate performance.


Average daily hospitalizations continue an ongoing increase as cases nationwide surge.


“The District Court’s modest injunction is a reasonable accommodation, given the short time before the election,” the three dissenting justices wrote. 

Featured Opinion

Their tactic today is the same tactic of yesterday. Fight democracy.


The debate will be on from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CT and will be televised on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, Fox News,...


"The simple fact of the matter is that China needs to be held accountable for their actions on the world stage, and I believe...


In each of five parameters Alabama fared worse than the national average.


“We need your help to spread the word and continue reaching out to voters to help Democrats up and down the ticket,” Winfrey said.


90 percent of Alabamians favor some type of reform to the state's prison systems, but there is little agreement on what efforts should be...