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Their tactic today is the same tactic of yesterday. Fight democracy.


The debate will be on from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. CT and will be televised on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, Fox News,...


"The simple fact of the matter is that China needs to be held accountable for their actions on the world stage, and I believe...


In each of five parameters Alabama fared worse than the national average.


“We need your help to spread the word and continue reaching out to voters to help Democrats up and down the ticket,” Winfrey said.


90 percent of Alabamians favor some type of reform to the state's prison systems, but there is little agreement on what efforts should be...


Confirmation hearings began last week and a vote on her confirmation is expected in the next week just days before the general election.


Many progressives, it seems, claim to believe in the power of women, but only for women who think and talk like they do.


Tax revenue into the state’s General Fund was 7 percent higher this year the Education Trust Fund brought in an additional $209 million in...


The cumulative death toll in Alabama has risen by 248 to 2,788 in October and by 124 in the last week alone.