Opinion Opinion | Investing in Alabama’s future with ARPA funds Our state’s infrastructure, for broadband, water and sewer, is where we are looking to allocate the largest sum of ARPA Funds. Greg ReedMarch 16, 2023
Legislature Coleman encouraged by “camaraderie” in the Senate Coleman said Senate leadership remembers what it was like in the minority, which hasn't been true in the House. Jacob HolmesDecember 22, 2022
Opinion Opinion | Conservative fiscal policies lay foundation for a stronger Alabama We have come a long way getting to this point, and Alabama is well-positioned for the future. Greg ReedFebruary 21, 2022
Elections Forestry Association endorses Greg Reed for Senate District 5 Reed will seek the Republican nomination for Senate District 5 in the primary election on May 24, 2022. StaffNovember 24, 2021
Economy Ivey joins groundbreaking of Wellborn Cabinet’s factory expansion in Ashland The expansion will add capacity and jobs while improving security, daycare, security, and wellness for the employees. Brandon MoseleyAugust 27, 2021
State Ivey announces $16.5 million for University of Alabama transportation research building The project will be a joint project for the University, the Alabama Power Company and Mercedes with state support. Brandon MoseleyJuly 26, 2021
Legislature Alabama Policy Institute releases scorecards for members of the Alabama Legislature API opposed medical marijuana and gaming and supported efforts to limit the governor's powers, so senators with different views received low scores. Brandon MoseleyJuly 6, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Is it morning in Alabama; dare we hope? "Alabama needs problem solvers, not trouble makers." Bill BrittJune 21, 2021
Governor Ivey meets with legislative leaders on prison situation June 1 had been the deadline to conclude contracts with private prison developers on building three new prisons. Brandon MoseleyJune 10, 2021
Prisons Deadline passes on prison contracts With the private prison option apparently fading, Ivey said that she would discuss the situation with House and Senate leaders. Brandon MoseleyJune 3, 2021