Education Birmingham city elementary schools among first in state to offer yoga Minor, Oxmoor Valley and West End elementary schools in Birmingham launched yoga programs the week of Jan, 10, involving about 115 fifth graders. John H. GlennJanuary 26, 2022
State Tim James says that our children “are in the cross-hairs of Hell itself” He cited Critical Race Theory (CRT), acceptance of transgender students in schools and yoga. Brandon MoseleySeptember 16, 2021
Governor Governor signs bill to end Alabama’s school yoga ban Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed legislation ending the ban on yoga in Alabama public schools. Brandon MoseleyMay 21, 2021
Legislature Alabama House passes bill to allow yoga in Alabama schools The practice of yoga has been expressly prohibited in Alabama schools since 1993. Brandon MoseleyMarch 16, 2021
Education House passes bill to end ban on yoga in Alabama schools The Alabama House of Representatives has passed a bill ending a ban on yoga in Alabama public schools. HB235 is sponsored by State Representative... Brandon MoseleyMarch 11, 2020
National Hindu leader applauds universities for embracing Yoga, urges end to ban in K-12 schools The President of Universal Society of Hinduism, Rajen Zed commended the public universities of Alabama for offering various forms of yoga to their students.... Brandon MoseleyApril 30, 2019
News Hindu Temple opening in Mobile later this week A Hindu Temple will officially open on a seven acre plot in Mobile with a three-day elaborate Grand Opening based on ancient Hindu rituals.... Brandon MoseleyMarch 27, 2019