Featured Opinion Opinion | Science is winning And then it hit me. Most people aren’t afraid of the vaccine. They want it, for themselves and their children. Joey KennedyNovember 7, 2021
Health COVID booster shots available for some Alabamians beginning Friday Only those who were fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago and meet other criteria can get a booster shot. Eddie BurkhalterSeptember 24, 2021
News WTO to meet to consider temporarily lifting vaccine patent protection According to the UN, wealthy countries received 82 percent of vaccine doses, while poor nations received less than 1 percent. Brandon MoseleyJuly 28, 2021
Featured Opinion Opinion | Do we need a vaccine for stubborn? Get vaccinated, Alabama. Joey KennedyJune 5, 2021
Health How is the COVID vaccine safe if they made it so fast? A UAB doctor explains Four key things, some of which were in motion for decades, came together at the right time. Micah DanneyMay 31, 2021
Health Ivey asks for patience from public on COVID vaccine "We will get shots in the arm and off the shelf. In the meantime, be patient," Ivey said. Brandon MoseleyJanuary 19, 2021
Health Just 15% of Alabama’s vaccine supply administered, but pace expected to quicken There had been 20,354 vaccines administered as of Monday, out of the state’s supply of 128,175 combined doses. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 29, 2020
Opinion Opinion | Christmas miracles: declining unemployment, vaccines and more "I’m talking about some truly surprising big deal things." Bradley ByrneDecember 23, 2020
National FDA panel approves emergency use for Moderna’s COVID vaccine The full FDA and a CDC panel both still have to sign off on the panel’s recommendation. Brandon MoseleyDecember 18, 2020
Health Alabama prepares for COVID-19 vaccines as the virus surges Alabama could begin receiving a shipment of 41,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in a matter of days. Eddie BurkhalterDecember 11, 2020