Elections Voter registration surges nationwide with Harris’s run, but Alabama lags behind Alabama’s rate of new voter registration remains comparatively low. Wesley WalterSeptember 10, 2024
Featured Opinion Opinion | Space Command may be the price Alabama pays for Tuberville Tuberville is the embodiment of everything wrong with Alabama politics and Alabama voters. Josh MoonMay 17, 2023
Featured Opinion Opinion | Voters aren’t holding Alabama politicians accountable, and it shows "The silence of ALGOP voters on the actions of ALGOP lawmakers is creating an environment where corruption can thrive." Josh MoonFebruary 3, 2021
Congress Poll watchers in Alabama report massive turnout, long waits and machine shortages One observer spoke to multiple people in long lines who vowed that they are ready to wait all night if they have to. Micah DanneyNovember 3, 2020
Elections 57 days left to apply for an absentee ballot for primary runoff election Ahead of the July 14 Primary Runoff Election, Secretary Merrill reminds Alabama voters that there are 57 days left to apply for an absentee... StaffMay 13, 2020
Education Poll: Alabama voters support choosing where to send their children to school A recent poll found that three out of four Alabama voters want a position in choosing their children’s public school. The poll, conducted by... Mikayla BurnsMarch 27, 2019
Legislature Sources: More ‘tribe-friendly’ gambling bill on the way On Wednesday, numerous lawmakers told APR that they had been informed by lobbyists working for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians that Senate President... Josh MoonMarch 21, 2019
Featured Opinion Questionnaires show Maddox consistent, Ivey lying Kay Ivey is lying. With a capital L. She’s not using a “talking point,” as many in the media have claimed. She’s not ducking... Josh MoonJuly 30, 2018
News A man of faith By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Walt Maddox has faith in Alabama voters. A lot of faith. So much faith that the Democratic mayor... Josh MoonJanuary 26, 2018
Featured Opinion The same, or different? By Joey Kennedy Alabama Political Reporter Are we going to be the same, making the same decisions over and over again, and hoping for... Joey KennedyJune 28, 2017