Alabama supported Donald Trump on election night 19 months ago and Alabamians still overwhelmingly support the Republican president. In a recent survey, Trump had...
Wednesday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the new “Place to Worship Initiative,” which will focus on protecting the ability of houses of worship...
Congress is back at work in Washington. Congresswoman Martha Roby, R-Montgomery, said that the House will consider three pieces of legislation dealing with the...
Friday morning, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice held a hearing at the urging of Congressman Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville,...
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall testified before Congress on Friday about a ongoing lawsuit by the state that would block immigrants who are illegally...
Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that the U.S. Department of Justice will not defend against a new lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of...
Thursday evening, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly passed the Spending Cuts to Expired and Unnecessary Programs Act on a narrow 210-206 vote. The...
Tuesday, U.S. Senator Richard Shelby, R-Alabama, announced that the Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge in Decatur was awarded $5.443 million as part of the Fish...