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Featured Opinion

Donald Trump, in full panic mode – and that’s dangerous for the nation – floated the idea Thursday morning in (of course) a tweet...


Ivey’s office says that throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Ivey and her staff have stayed in regular contact with State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris,...


The only reason we’re in this boat is because weak politicians, bowing to the ignorance of selfish people over the expertise and knowledge of...


U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue on Wednesday said that the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farmers to Families Food Box Program has distributed over...


COVID-19 fears are radically changing the 2020 college football schedule. The Southeastern Conference presidents will meet Thursday to consider a plan on how their...


Birmingham has one of the country’s highest rates of fatal shootings. The defund movement has reinvigorated grassroots efforts to drive down violence.


Ivey’s amended order Tuesday mandates that face masks be worn by employees and students in classrooms from grade 2 through college. 

Featured Opinion

The presidential race is onward. It will be incumbent Republican Donald Trump vs. former Vice President and 36-year veteran Democrat, Delaware U.S. Senator Joe...


AlabamaWorks! and the Alabama Workforce Council (AWC) have partnered with the Alabama Department of Mental Health, the University of Alabama and the Vital Initiative to...

Featured Opinion

Will Dismukes and his love for all things confederacy aren't an outlier in the Alabama Republican Party. The party has sought those voters. It...