Josh Moon is an investigative reporter and featured columnist at the Alabama Political Reporter with years of political reporting experience in Alabama. You can email him at or follow him on Twitter.
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter A Republican state Senator has prefiled a bill that would remove public schools from Alabama’s Monument Preservation Law....
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter State Superintendent Michael Sentance has begun the process of cutting costs to offset a potential $8 million budget...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Elliot Lipinsky, an assistant district attorney in Wilcox County, is running for Alabama’s State Auditor. Lipinsky announced his...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter There is an impending catastrophe for public education in Alabama. Sen. Gerald Dial is considering not running for...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Legal Services Alabama is in an uproar. Last week, Artur Davis, the former Alabama gubernatorial candidate, resigned as...
By Josh Moon Alabama Political Reporter Police departments aren’t messing around with protests of Confederate monuments. At a sparsely-attended protest in Montgomery on Monday...