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Search results for "Bentley"


Former Alabama Law Enforcement Agency Secretary Spencer Collier in August asked a Montgomery Circuit Court to compel disgraced former Gov. Robert Bentley to disclose...


A motion to compel disgraced former Gov. Robert Bentley to provide donors and contributions to the political nonprofit that paid his girlfriend was filed...

Featured Opinion

To date, the state has spent at least an estimated $300,000.00 defending former Gov. Robert Bentley, and the meter is still running on the...

Featured Opinion

Being governor is hard. It’s a tough, gruelling job that requires 24-hour attention and results in long, long days for the man or woman...


Former Gov. Robert Bentley said during a recent deposition that he was pressured by lawmakers, attorneys and major donors on numerous occasions during the...


Robert Bentley is being sued. Again. Alabama’s former governor, who is currently in the midst of a defamation lawsuit for allegedly spreading false information...


Attorneys for former Gov. Robert Bentley and former Alabama Law Enforcement Agency secretary Stan Stabler renewed their push on Monday to learn intricate details...

Featured Opinion

Today marks one year since Alabama’s 53rd governor, Robert Bentley, left office in disgrace. In just the last two decades, two Republican and one...


If the findings of a special grand jury empaneled to hear allegations of wrongdoings against former Gov. Robert Bentley and his cronies sound familiar,...


On Wednesday, many Alabamians were surprised to learn that apparently using law enforcement personnel to intimidate witnesses and investigate family matters and potential political...