One of APR’s most recognized names, Chip Brownlee, on Wednesday, earned his Master of Arts in Journalism from the prestigious Columbia University. Brownlee has...
Three members of the Alabama Political Reporter‘s staff have recently earned advances in their careers. Chip Brownlee, while continuing his work for APR, has...
Goodloe Sutton is not a racist. That might seem impossible considering Sutton, the publisher of the Democrat-Reporter newspaper in Linden, just wrote an editorial...
A majority of Alabama voters are “very concerned” about government corruption and ethics, however, Republicans who once championed strong ethics laws have retrenched or...
The student-run newspaper for Auburn University, The Auburn Plainsman, has garnered 12 awards in the Alabama Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest over the last...
As part of his Make America Great Again promise, President Donald Trump offered the American Infrastructure Initiative in February of this year. Many Alabama...
If the findings of a special grand jury empaneled to hear allegations of wrongdoings against former Gov. Robert Bentley and his cronies sound familiar,...
The two top leaders of Alabama’s Legislature seemed somewhat divided Thursday about the realities of getting gun and school safety legislation out of their...